Funded! "Amphibians of the World Heritage-listed Gondwana Rainforests: Distribution, habitat us
I'm part of a team (including Guy Castley, Hamish McCallum, Harry Hines, myself, Thais Sasso Lopes and Dave Newell) to have just been...
Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET) - what is their real value?
If you're aiming to make a career out of teaching at university, you'll soon become very familiar with some of the common 'metrics' used...
How to write the best paper abstracts
Writing a succinct yet sufficiently informative abstract is something most of us never get any training in (it's one of those things...
Confused about reference formatting?
Griffith University provides a really great tool for students to help guide them in what details their reference list should contain, and...
Super-chickens and the pecking order at work
Great TED talk on team work and social capital: "Why it's time to forget the pecking order at work". I think it provides some very...
Free online courses on using data in R!
Ever wanted to learn how to use and manipulate data in 'R' (the 'open source programming language and software environment for...