Chytridiomycosis book chapter published!
After a long wait, my book chapter on chytridiomycosis in the book "Emerging and Epizootic Fungal Infections in Animals" has finally been...
New paper: Chytridiomycosis causes catastrophic organism-wide metabolic dysregulation!
Our new metabolomics paper on chytridiomycosis in frogs is now published in Scientific Reports! Grogan, L. F., Skerratt, L. F., Berger,...
New paper: Is disease causing declines?
Our new paper on the role of disease in wildlife declines is now published! Grogan, L. F., Peel, A. J., Kerlin, D., Ellis, W., Jones, D.,...
PhD opportunity - applications due 5th April!
We are seeking highly motivated applicants for a PhD position available to commence in 2018 for research and training in wildlife...
Two new publications!
I've just published two related papers on amphibian chytridiomycosis: Grogan, L. F., Cashins, S. D., Skerratt, L. F., Berger, L.,...
ARC Discovery Project Success!
We're excited to announce that our team has been awarded funding for three years ($414,436) by the Australian Research Council (ARC) in...
Coursera course on Epidemics
Great course by some of the key movers in the field: "Epidemics - the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases" run by PennState. Course starts...
How to write the best paper abstracts
Writing a succinct yet sufficiently informative abstract is something most of us never get any training in (it's one of those things...
Super-chickens and the pecking order at work
Great TED talk on team work and social capital: "Why it's time to forget the pecking order at work". I think it provides some very...
How to write systematic quantitative literature reviews
Prof. Catherine Pickering and Dr. William Bennett gave a presentation at the 2015 Environmental Futures Research Institute retreat...